Goals, missions, visions. All worthwhile documents (or boards, let’s not restrict ourselves), however missions and visions are all just words without actions. Tweet this Ironic, considering last week’s post was just on that topic.
I am yet to meet a business owner who does not want to grow in one way or another. Some may want financial growth, others might want to foster a better balance with their family life. There are no right or wrong answers, this is about what is right for you, your circle, your business.
I decided to make 2014 my year. It was about making myself and my needs a priority. Now 2014 is coming to a close, I am looking to 2015 and what I wish to achieve. I am looking to business growth and new opportunities, and so I need to plan.
What I thought I would do is to share some of the tools I have used, or heard about, in 2014. I have found that I have grown to know myself again, like when I was a child with that self-assured wonder. This hasn’t been without challenge, I have had to challenge my outdated beliefs, the outdated beliefs of others, and I admit to having moved on from people. But this is growth, and I am not upset as it is what I wanted for me in 2014.
So what got the ball rolling for me in 2013, heading into 2014? After reading “Get Rich Lucky Bitch” by Denise Duffield-Thomas I looked for her videos and came across Leonie Dawson. If you haven’t heard of Leonie, she is a former Australian Commonwealth Public Servant, who left her job to follow her heart (a woman after my own heart). After years of empowering women spiritually, she moved into empowering business women (in her own ‘hippy-dippy’ style). I used the 2014 workbooks to show myself just how far I had come and to set in place plans to start Write to Right. I found the workbooks cathartic, allowing me to clear space to move forward with my plans for 2014. Leonie has released her 2015 workbooks, they are available for digital download or in a very funky spiral-bound hard copy. You can purchase, and have them shipped, directly from Leonie. (affiliate link)
The following tool I have mentioned previously, without it I couldn’t have maintained my social media presence while overseas for a month. Coming into the holiday period I would suggest grabbing this post planning calendar. I previously sat down with my phone calendar, open laptop and a hope that I didn’t duplicate any posts. The following calendar has a great list of helpful dates, to prompt posts, and a generous format for note taking. In 2014, I have found planning and scheduling ahead a great way to free up more time for myself and my family. Kellie has informed me that there will be a 2015 version of the calendar released next week, so if you can wait a few days sign up for her newsletter to be notified of its release. In the meantime, you can download the current version for planning out the rest of your December. (affiliate link)
Are you a list maker? I admit to being an intermittent, in my head, kind of list maker. If you are into lists and tight goal tracking then the following bundle from Darla at the Creative Biz School is for you. This year I have gotten very serious about tracking finances (thanks DDT) and this package from Darla certainly has making you financially accountable down pat! So, if your goal for 2015 is to be more serious about achieving your financial goals, then check out this package from Darla. http://www.cbizschool.com/workbooks/productivity-workbook/
Now, back up at the start I said that 2014 was about me, so one of the big things I did was changed how I felt about me and instrumental in that was changing how I dressed. I don’t know about you, but the way I dress certainly impacts how I feel (compare corporate suits to tracky dacks). Since I have used the hints I have gained from the Make it Look Easy ladies I have greater confidence in what I wear, fewer “I have nothing to wear” moments, been more adventurous in what I wear, and (shock horror) I have saved money!!!! By teaching me what colours look best together and with my colouring, I have gained a whole new perspective on my wardrobe. So, thanks to Nat & Tatum for being a big part of my transformation. If you are looking to gain more confidence in what you wear, be warned it snowballs, then grab the e-book which started the ball rolling for me. http://www.makeitlookeasy.com.au/shop/how-to-balance-every-outfit/
So I hear that you are enjoying the videos I have been sharing. The following is one that my kids first watched at school. Kid President is such an amazing young man, with such an amazing story. The following video is a great motivator and inspiration, and I hope it makes you think about your plans for 2015. Before you run head long into 2015, don’t forget to review and celebrate your achievements in 2014, you (and they) deserve it.
I have to check out the other planners, thanks for adding me to your list. I’m very honored Kara! I’m married to an accountant so finance is always part of my planning:)
You’re welcome & I love how you all bring a different piece to planning. Personally, mine is reviewing achievements (it’s the QA/project manager in me).
Thank you for sharing these tools with us! Planning ahead is so important and I’m working on my 2015 plan.
You’re welcome Nicole & best of luck for 2015.
Hi Kara,
Great resources! Thank you for sharing! I had heard of the Leonie’s workbook and was wondering if I should get it and all the other ones seem really useful! I love the outfit one too! So important to feel confident. Many thanks again 🙂
Hi Morena,
I found Leonie’s workbooks to be invaluable and empowering. (Which can also be said for the others)
Enjoy & wishing you a prosperous 2015.
I’m a huge list maker and planner though when it comes to my website and business I could definitely be planning more effectively. I really appreciate the helpful tips on planning tools, thanks Kara!
Congrats on achieving so much in the last 12 months. You should feel so proud of yourself – you’ve created a wonderful eHome. I wish you an incredible, abundant and happy year ahead. xx
You’re welcome & thank you Sarah.
Wishing you a well checked list for 2015. 😉
Kid President ROCKS!! He is motivational without being annoying! I’m going to check out many of the tools you recommend here! THanks for sharing
Doesn’t he just Robyn! Enjoy!
Leonie’s planners are very popular. I have to say as lovely as they are, I have to say I’m more tempted by the black leather passion planner that’s just been launched, it looks very much like my mole skins
I love my Moleskine books, Sarah. The passion planner sounds interesting.