Hi, I’m Kara,  a business psychology consultant.

I teach small business owners how understanding psychology can help them thrive.

I apply this to 

  • staffing 
  • business owner psychology, and
  • marketing small business.

Starting with psychology means that I focus on what drives a person to do what a business needs them to do and that’s where any action starts.

Kara Lambert small business coach

I have a degree in Psychology and graduate qualifications in business. 

I'm an international speaker on business owner motivation and neuromarketing. 

I mentor with three different Universities and I'm a brand ambassador in neuromarketing to the Social Media Marketing Institute.

I first started focusing on online user experience in 2000 when building online portals for the Australian Federal Government. Through the years I applied my human-centric approach to motivating staff and to driving customer engagement on social media.

Basically, I help businesses grow. I dig down into your ideal business and I understand the clients coming to you through social media or your website. I banish the bull, be it the story you tell yourself about your business or your ability to use technology. I help you develop the long-lasting brand advocates that grow your business.

Why I do what I do

After completing my post-graduate qualifications I applied to various Australian Government Agencies to join their graduate program. I was recruited by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, moved to Canberra in 2000 and started in their eBusiness section. It was there I learnt about building websites, UX/UI and app development.

In 2011, I started a small handmade business and started selling my products through my Facebook Profile. Soon after, Facebook introduced Pages and I set up my page. I grew my page to 5000 followers in just over one year and friends were soon asking me to help them with their pages.

While I continued my handmade business, I also continued working as a proof-reader and copyeditor, something I’d done in the public service. Over time, I had more requests for help with social media, to the point I was advising national brands and large local Facebook accounts.

A strange thing happened, I was teaching all of these small businesses how to use psychology in their social media to engage their audience, but they still weren’t posting. I solved the problem they came to me with but I hadn’t addressed the real underlying problem – themselves. Their fear and imposter syndrome were preventing them from posting on their pages.

Using this experience, I listened to what motivated my social media clients. (Just as we looked, listened to, and used what motivated and engaged their clients online) I took this information and using the skills I’ve learnt in and since I studied psychology, I helped them through what was preventing them from promoting their businesses on social media (and in general). From here I understood that I needed to address both issues, social media skills and business owner mindset, at the same time.

My vision

My vision is a place where businesses motivate people through putting the person we need to take the action at the centre of our marketing or communication, be it staff, clients, or the business owner. The benefit of this approach is that it validates people, making them happier, more productive, and more profitable.

I want to grow businesses by helping owners to discover and use what motivates themselves and their staff so that they are happier, meaning their clients are happier and spend more.

Finally, I want to help business owner overcome the fear and/or imposter syndrome that holds them back so that they can have and drive the business they always knew to be possible.

Read my favourite articles


Kara pushes me to achieve my dream business

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Jackie Kerin ,

Outside of my Blog and YouTube channel you can find my content on...

Social Media Marketing Institute
The Rural Compass
Natural Born Coaches

